Konfliktsrädsla (Fear of conflicts) by Sågtand Directly translated to English (c) 2023 https://www.dvibe.se Now the agiation syncs again Passivity is my protective wall Efficiently shutting my ears Don't want to meet anyone here Trying to escape the anxiety It burns like a sting from a bumblebee Leaves a stale aftertaste Paralyzes the horror scenario Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees Conflict avoidance at its peak Just caring doesn't count Because silence and unconcern Gives exactly same result The realization hits like a sledgehammer The cowardice in my silent choices To always stay silent when it happens Shameful and inward anger Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees Clenching my fist when no one sees ---------------------------------------------------------------- Note! This is a direct translation, which is quite hard to do, while keeping the feelings of the original Swedish text. Some of the translations are also a bit odd, and might be nonsensical in English, but that is because I like to play with words. //Sågtand ----------------------------------------------------------------