Fågelns hämnd (The bird's revenge) by Sågtand Directly translated to English (c) 2023 https://www.dvibe.se The grins cut's like a sharp knife Through thick barriers Accuracy to the nanometer Drilling holes in everything she's built Their mockery was like a punch in the stomach Neon teeth lines of contempt As a pleasure to consume To strengthen their power struggle The little lark Just as speckled as before Now everything is forgotten and forgiven That's what they come up with The only mistake the bird made Was to sing her own tune Can't one just forget it Have to put up with some jokes The troll's odors linger here The drama's character crumbles Kicking down the little feeling Of feeling pride and freedom But now no one dares to mock The sweetnes of revenge corrodes Their luminous streaks The only thing left is to escape now The little lark Just as speckled as before Now everything is forgotten and forgiven That's what they come up with The only mistake the bird made Was to sing her own tune Can't one just forget it Have to put up with some jokes The little lark Just as speckled as before Now everything is forgotten and forgiven That's what they come up with The only mistake the bird made Was to sing her own tune Can't one just forget it Have to put up with some jokes ---------------------------------------------------------------- Note! This is a direct translation, which is quite hard to do, while keeping the feelings of the original Swedish text. Some of the translations are also a bit odd, and might be nonsensical in English, but that is because I like to play with words. //Sågtand ----------------------------------------------------------------